Your Phyto

Somebody Told Me Ltd are delighted to have been approved as an official UK Distributor of the newly launched supplement 'Your Phyto' - made for a nationally approved clinical study to aid men with prostate cancer.

There is robust evidence that regular intake of plant phytochemicals can help us prevent chronic diseases, cancer and cancer relapse. In 2013 a whole food supplement Pomi-T was proven to have a direct anti-cancer effect in men with prostate cancer. Building on this original trial, and updating the supplement ingredients, a nutritional capsule called YourPhyto has now been selected for the latest, and World's largest prostate cancer clinical study run by leading oncologists at Bedford & Addenbrooke’s Cambridge Universities. Read some of our YourPhyto FAQs here.

New hope for prostate cancer - New UK National Trial

New hope for prostate cancer - New UK national trial reveals impact of Probiotics & Phytochemicals. 

The video explains how a blend of 5 probiotics, vitamin D called YourgutPlus and a new phytochemical rich supplement called YourPhyto slow ca prostate cancer progression and improve urinary symptoms - The Scientific team describe the rationale and global importance of this study.

Benefits of Phytochemicals

Natural phytochemicals are responsible for the colour, taste and aroma of healthy plants. Over these appealing attributes, robust evidence has revealed several mechanisms of how they protect us from environmental and ingested toxins. Why are they are so important for health, common food sources and tips to boost their intake.

Phytochemicals and Gut Health

It’s really important to look after the trillions of healthy bacteria in our gut. If we take them for granted they will be replaced by pro-inflammatory “bad” bacteria which damage the lining of the gut, lower immunity and allow toxins to leak into our bodies and nutrients to leak out.

Phytochemicals and Cancer

The phytochemical compounds found in plants are responsible for their colour, taste, and aroma of many foods. Emerging evidence suggests that they protect us from environmental and ingested carcinogens by arming antioxidant enzymes, enhancing DNA repair pathways, reducing chronic inflammation, and directly affecting the biological processes that underlie the fundamental hallmarks of cancer progression and metastasis.

BUY YourPhyto Supplement below ..
YourPhyto Food Supplement
YourPhyto Food Supplement

The Next Generation Scientifically Approved Phytochemical Rich Food Supplement
The chosen supplement for the latest clinical trials on prostate cancer.


Pomi-T® contains a unique blend of herbs, spices, vegetables and fruits squeezed into a vegetarian capsule for a convenient way to boost your daily intake of natural plant polyphenols.  Note - now superceeded as a result of updated clinical trials. If you have previously bought Pomi-T then it is strongly recommended that you move over to the updated product Your-Phyto.